Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Christmas chez mon pere

Do you wonder what I am doing? Yeah, so do I!

So, after we finished everything up at my Mom's house, we headed out to my Dad's house!!!!

Dad and Tina with the beautiful tree!

Unfortunately, David was with his Dad, so he didn't get to be there to celebrate with us. Still, we had an absolutely FABULOUS time!!!!

Kristen and I got some fun purses with sunglasses and scarves!

Aren't we cool?!!?

We had a fabulous time laughing and listening to Christmas music and opening presents! Amoung other thing, Kristen and Shawn are going to be treated to a 5 star hotel in the country of their choice when they are on their honeymoon voyage and I am being treated to a plane ticket to Japan along with my first semester of classes there. I'm psyched!
I think Russell, though, had to be the happiest about his gift!

They gave him a world cup soccer ball and are helping him plan his trip to the World Cup in South Africa, along with paying for quite a bit of it.
I am SURE that he won't want me posting this in my blog, but he was so happy he almost cried.

Tina got tons of awesome clothes!

I am pretty sure she is NOT modeling any of them here, but she and Kristen are modeling something, so I thought this picture could be appropriate.

Dad got a new Bad Boy Buggy!

I'm not entirely sure what makes it different from the old one - I guess it's more high tech or something. Whatever the case, it's cool!

As usual, we had a GREAT time, and Dad filmed us being ridiculous! Even Tyrone had fun - I gave him a chew soccer ball! :-) And the cats of course all tried (and failed, because my Dad was there) to come in and play with the discarded bows and wrapping paper.

The very last present, that we all opened at the same time, was a t-shirt. With a fleur de lys on it. With the t-shirt, there was a note that said "Wear this to watch the Saints win the superbowl." Dad had decided that, if the Saints made it to the superbowl, we would all go watch them win as a family. They did make it to the superbowl, so we went. Be expecting a post about that soon!

Afterwards, we hopped in a car and drove down to Lafayette to see my Mom's side of the family. Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Diane, and Uncle Greg had all already been by Mom's house, but it was good to get to see them all on Christmas day. Grandma made some DELICIOUS vegan food for Christmas dinner!!

It was cool as well to get to see Aunt Debbie, Blake, and Brittni. I hadn't seen my cousin Blake in AGES!!!!

And that was my Christmas! YAY! I love going home for Christmas!! :-)

Monday, February 01, 2010

Christmas Eve and Christmas chez ma mere!!

Not to be forgotten is the reason for which I went home. CHRISTMAS!!!!

A few days before Christmas, we celebrated Russell's birthday, and since we were in the opening presents kind of mood, we opened our Christmas pajamas that our mother gives us every year!

This year, she gave us LSU pajama bottoms. And even though I'm not the hugest LSU fan, I was psyched. Unfortunately, they ended up being just a little bit too small.

This year, we had a fairly atypical Christmas Eve. Usually, we put out luminaries right before it starts getting dark. Unfortunately, our neighborhood committee decided to put an end to the luminaries a year or two ago. My sister and I are seriously devastated about this. So, this year, instead, we had our HUGE Christmas dinner instead. Tina made up the most DELICIOUS meal with sweet potatoes and brocolli and stuffed squash and, really, everything you could dream of in a Christmas dinner. By the time it was time for dessert, we were all too stuffed to even think about it.

After our delicious dinner, we headed over to our Aunt Betty's house for her annual Christmas party. As usual, it was fantastic! Parker, my cousin Monica's son, saw Santa Clause approaching right when we got there, so they had to leave IMMEDIATELY. After all, they needed to get home before Santa arrived. It was very cute, watching him run back and forth between Monica and the door, screaming "Santa, momma, Santa! We have to leave now!!"
When we left, Aunt Betty gave us clementines picked from her trees. They were delicious!

After Aunt Betty's, we headed out to our Mom's house, where she was still busy wrapping up a storm. It was very late, and we had to sleep in her room, which meant we had to forgo our annual Christmas movie, the Magic Snowman. For those of you that have not heard of it, it is THE best Christmas movie ever, and I absolutely highly recommend it to EVERYONE! Go watch it! Now! Even though it's not Christmas.

The next morning, IT WAS CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As usual, Kristen and I woke up extraordinarily early and exchanged presents just between us before making everyone else get up and celebrate!

I got some fabulous presents from here:
-a really cool pen that her friend made that apparently took her several hours to make!
-a bee t-shirt
-bee pajama pants
-some awesome rain boots
-some earrings she made herself
-an A American Eagle t-shirt that was "made just for me"
-some Melt shaving cream that I love!
-wonderfully delicious smelling Melt fizzy bath balls

I think that's it. I absolutely love them all, and I hope she loves hers as well.

The the whole gang came out, and Kristen and I exchanged presents with Russell, Shawn, and Miranda before the opening of the stocking began.
I got the coolest Labyrinth shirt from Shawn, and from Russell and Miranda, I got this cool bag that fed a child in Africa for a year. In the bag, there were three really awesome books on Japan that I absolutely can't WAIT to read. Along with that, there was the coolest present of Christmas.

Yes, that's it, right there around my neck. It's a smoke detector decorated by Russell and Miranda and turned into an anti-smoking necklace. The theoretically will go off if ever anyone is smoking around me. HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!?

Should I be offended that Kristen gets bunny ears, and I don't? Or do we think mine are just hidden?

So then we opened our stockings and our Mom/Santa presents, and Mom opened her presents, and good times were had all around. Kristen and I gave mom and ipod Nano with a docking station, and I think she loved it. We also both separately gave her lots of fun presents that she seemed to love!

As for me, I got the awesomest presents of all!

I got this super cool new jacket, that I am wearing in the picture with Kristen and Russell up above. I got a new pink Dell Studio laptop, which I absolutely NEEDED! My old laptop is in the process of dying a slow and painful death.
Kristen and I got matching outfits that we were supposed to wear for New Year's Eve. Only my flight was canceled, so I unfortunately ended up being in an airplane on New Year's Eve. So I wore mine to celebrate Christmas with Guillaume.

How cute are we?

I also got the coolest Juicy Couture towel.
Can you tell that this was an awesome Christmas for me?

Or rather, can you tell that this was an awesome Christmas for everyone?

Afterwards, we had a delicious Christmas breakfast that Mom had made before heading out to our Dad's house to celebrate Christmas there.
And since this post is already RIDICULOUSLY long, THAT will be a post for next time.
Until then,. . .!!!!

All pictures stolen from my dear sister Kristen.