Wednesday, September 10, 2008


That's it, they're up. . .I finally filtered out all of the unnecessary pictures and now, by clicking on the picture below, you will find yourself at. . .the Croatian photo album!!!! YAY! Enjoy!

6 things said:

Unknown said...

u guys look good together.

brizmus said...

Is this Joseph as in Joseph Brisebois?
And thank you ever so much. :-)

Mikey G. said...

You only look mildly high in this picture, and it falls to the background because of your cuteness :-D

Unknown said...

no audster, it's actually malkoun, but only my first name shows up.

Anonymous said...

ok, so i finally got to sit down and look at these picture properly and I LOVE THEM!!! The mud ones are my faves!

Spiggy said...

You look so beautiful in this picture!