Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN, everyone!!!! And I promise a real entry is coming soon - I have so much to update about! :-)

2 things said:

Kerja Keras Adalah Energi Kita said...

Go to peace n love in the world
God is always with us. May the peace and prosperity of the world can be created. Indonesia We invite bloggers to participate reconciling the world. We finished all the hostility and war that had happened. Indonesian peace-loving
Regards :
kerja keras adalah energi kita
kerja keras adalah energi kita

Ariane said...

Dear Audrey,
I know, I'm sick and it sucks : today = fever, cough, and I LOST MY VOICE! Completely! Argh! Hopefully it will be over soon...
Oh, and I'd love to show you how to knit. We have stitch'n bitch every week, and a lot of time there is newbies.
If you want to start, just make squares or washclothes. It is a great practice. And I learned almost everything I know on the internet!
I thought about you lately, because I saw great bamboo and coton yarns! Not a trace of wool at all!! You can also search for vegan yarn (like, certified).